Design Corner

"Redeeming the time, for days are evil". What do you think about this sentence? This is one of my favorite sentences.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Photoshop Contest Round 4 (Final round)

Now let come to the final round of the contest. The five source images of this round are interesting. The first place image is interesting too.

The first place is the image of Pekka Veikkolainen.
And the second place belong to Antti Myöhänen. Although this image is simple, I think it is perfect.

References: ( The first two place images). (the source images)


At 11:42 PM, Blogger Vo Anh Tuan said...

Yeah, I have read about some Photoshop contests on the Internet and this contest is really one of the best. I think who do these art works are really master of Photoshop

At 11:44 PM, Blogger [Dclan] Dojo said...

From simple photo, people can combine them together to create their own new idea. Interesing.

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Phuong Nguyen said...

That contest is kinda kool, dude! Yup, it has appeared some where on the internet, but how you can find those pictures is such a good work! Keep going and show me more ^ ^"

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Le Nguyen Linh Vu said...

Thanks you guys to had some comment. I 'm waiting for the next contest.


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