Design Corner

"Redeeming the time, for days are evil". What do you think about this sentence? This is one of my favorite sentences.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Mud Drawing

Theses are picture that I found on Epica Awards Finalists 2006. It is interesting because artists can use mud to draw picture.


At 5:08 AM, Blogger Vo Anh Tuan said...

The first time I look at these picture I think that they don't have any thing remarkable. However, when looking closer, I am really impressed because they are made from sand, mud... The pictures have strong shadows and highlights and the shape of car are great!

At 8:28 PM, Blogger [Dclan] Dojo said...

Drawing pictures by using many materials is creative. In addtition, creating these pictures also need a long time of experience because different materials have different difficulties.


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