Design Corner

"Redeeming the time, for days are evil". What do you think about this sentence? This is one of my favorite sentences.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Flash Tutorial

As we are doing our last assignment that using flash 8. I go around and found some good website that can really help us all with flash.

I would like to show you this web site:
this site is a free flash tutorial sources created by Lee Brimelow. This site forcus on adobe flash. Here you can download the tutorial video clip or can see it online.

Lee Brimelow also have another website about web tutorial which is very good and helpful. If you guys have time check it out. This is its link: There are many actionscrip and video tutorial here. Hope it useful for your last assignment.


If you are a fan of Hip Hop, you must know something about Grafity. I like grafity too. These are some I found on the internet.

Computer Art

Last time I posted many images about Photoshop Contest. Hope you enjoy it. Now, I would like to introduce to you about COMPUTER ART. In this post, I will show you some artwork of Gilles Tran. As I remember, Gilles Tran is the most famous in this area. Let see some of His artworks:
In fact, I want to show you some better artwork. However, because the earthquake in Taiwan I cannot connect to His main page " ". If you can, go to this page and you will see more of his great computer art.

Photoshop Contest round 4 (cont)

These are some more beautiful images in the final round. I don't want to say to much of my idea
about this contest. I just let you see and tell your idea about these images. Hope to see your comment.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Photoshop Contest Round 4 (Final round)

Now let come to the final round of the contest. The five source images of this round are interesting. The first place image is interesting too.

The first place is the image of Pekka Veikkolainen.
And the second place belong to Antti Myöhänen. Although this image is simple, I think it is perfect.

References: ( The first two place images). (the source images)

Photoshop Contest 3 (cont)

These are some other images that are good in round three. Enjoy it.


Photoshop Contest Round 3

Now we come to the third round of this long contest. Hope that you don't get bore of it. As normal, first of all is the five images of this round. I think these images cause more difficult for contestants.

Although the five images is hard for contestants to create good images with perfect composition, there still have many good images. I also think that the images of this contest is the most beautiful of the four rounds. Now will be the first two winners. The first winner will recived an apple macbook pro.

The first place is the image of Maciej Mizer. Very detail and balance. If you study it careful, you will see more detail.

The second place is the image of Michael Grelus.

References: (The two winner) (The source images)

Photoshop Contest Round 2 (Cont)

These are some other great images according to Crestock. Take a look of them. Hope you like them. These are also images follow the first three places.

Photoshop Contest Round 2

The same with the first round, we also had five images for this second round. Of course this round was harder than the first one. The award for this round was a

Down here will be the three images that is the best according to Crestock.

The first position: belong to Craig Parker with the image below. This image has very strong ideal and good.

The second place is the image of Mark Damiano. His image use most of the source images.

And finally, the third place. This is very cool design of Gustaf Holm.